AG-Scan Vietnam

AG-Scan Vietnam

24 & 25 September 2019

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, represented by the Department of Planning, is working in close collaboration with the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to hold an agricultural self-assessment workshop on 24-25th September 2019 in Dai Lai, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam.

The workshop will be facilitated by Swiss development NGO Helvetas and is part of a global capacity development initiative called AVANTI (Advancing Knowledge for Agricultural Impact) funded by IFAD. AVANTI aims to strengthen the government’s ability to measure progress and report against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Government priority targets in the agriculture sector. The workshop will lead to the development of an action plan that enhances national capacities for results-based management (RBM) in the agriculture sector.

Sixteen different departments of MARD in charge of reporting on the SDGs will be involved in the exercise, such as Department of Crop Production, Department of Livestock production, Department of Cooperative and Rural Development, Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Centre for Informatics and Statistics and others.