Data quality in agriculture and food security in the time of COVID-19
Tuesday 21 July 2020, 15 – 16h CEST / 13 – 14h GMT
An e-Panel discussion: “Data quality in agriculture and food security in the time of COVID-19”, jointly organised by AVANTI and EvalForward, addressed data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic in the agricultural sector. Our panellists reflected on the challenges they have faced and how they have overcome them.
AVANTI is an IFAD funded initiative supporting national governments to assess and build RBM capacities in order to better measure SDGs in up to 20 countries globally. It is implemented by Helvetas and Itad.
EvalForward is a community of practice on evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development, supported by the evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD and WFP.
AVANTI & EvalForward collaborated to share their joint experience and specific learning by a pool of expert panellists consisting of:

Tim Njagi
Fellow, Tegemo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, Egerton University, Republic of Kenya

Armand Zoa
Head, Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Republic of Cameroon

Joas Tugizimana
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Republic of Rwanda
Questions addressed
Some of the questions under discussion were:
- What are the main challenges you have faced in collecting data for aggregation at the national level and how have you overcome them?
- What ways do security issues in general and COVID-19, in particular, affect the quality of the data you generate and what have you done to overcome some of the challenges posed by the pandemic?
Hosting team
- Ethel Sibanda: Moderator and AG-Scan methodology Lead, AVANTI
- Renata Mirulla: Moderator, EvalForward
- Kai Schrader: Chat Moderator and Team Leader, AVANTI
- Emmeline Henderson: e-Panel Technical Coordinator and Communications, AVANTI