e-Panel │ 21 July 2020
Data quality in agriculture and food security in the time of COVID-19

Tim Njagi
Fellow, Tegemo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, Egerton University, Republic of Kenya
Timothy Njagi is a seasoned Development Economist with a wealth of 15 years of experience in the fields of development planning, policy implementation and research. He holds a PhD in Development Economics and Master’s Degree in International Development from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan.
He has experience working in the public sector having worked with the National Treasury and Planning in Kenya and is currently a Fellow with Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development of Egerton University.
His current research focus is on-farm productivity, technology adoption, irrigation, governance, resilience and impact evaluation., irrigation, credit, governance, land issues, and resilience, where he has a number of publications.
He is also a member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), African Association of Agricultural Economics (AAAE), African Evaluation Association (AfREA), Evaluation Society of Kenya (ESK), and the Institute of Economic Affairs (EIA) in Kenya.
He aspires to make a significant contribution towards addressing food insecurity and poverty in developing countries.

Armand Zoa
Head, Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Republic of Cameroon
Armand Zoa is a Civil Administrator (Economy-finances) and Head of the Monitoring Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) in the Republic of Cameroon, having been in charge of studies at the Economic Policy Unit of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development.
In his work as principal collaborator of the Secretary General, Armand works on:
- Coordinating the action of the central administration services and the deconcentrated services of the Ministry by providing for this purpose the report of the coordination meetings whose minutes it addresses to the Minister.
- The definition of tools for monitoring the activities of MINADER.
- The definition and codification of the internal procedures of the Ministry.
- The follow-up of the action of the attached services whose program of action it approves and receives the reports of activities.
Armand is also in charge of the performance and coordination of the management control of MINADER, and leads the work of:
- Development of the Ministry’s roadmap.
- The establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system in MINADER in liaison with AVANTI and IFAD.
- The development of the MINADER results chain.
- Preparation of the report reviewing and rationalizing the activities of MINADER.
- Preparation of the 2018 Annual Performance Report of MINADER.
- The development of the Ministerial Program Management Charter.

Joas Tugizimana
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Republic of Rwanda
Joas Tugizimana is a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist having 15 years of working experience in the field of project management and monitoring of Rural development projects. He currently works for the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, under the Directorate of Strategic Planning and Program Coordination, as an M&E Specialist.
Joas’ key responsibilities are monitoring the implementation of agriculture performance contract, agricultural projects, which is key in ensuring evidence based decision making and planning. Regular monitoring the implementation of the Ministry plans, its affiliated Agencies (RAB & NAEB) plans in accordance with PSTA4 (Strategic Plan of Agriculture transformation) and NST1 (National Strategy for transformation).
Joas participated in the development of the strategic plan for agriculture transformation- PSTA 4 (2018-2024), and the design of its M& E framework.
He also contributed to the development of the agriculture management information system (MIS), a web based tool which facilitate data gathering and trucking agriculture performance from different stakeholders in the Agriculture sector of Rwanda.